Thursday, October 15, 2015

Cocogo Review and Discount Code

I finally got around to adding my Cocogo Ambassador badge to the blog!  Check it out to the right of the page! If you click on it, you'll go to their website where you can order if you'd like. Use code RUNLIKETHEWINDED at checkout to save 20% through the end of Oct.
Ambassador Swag delivery day!
What is Cocogo exactly?  It's an all natural sports drink (though I also use it to also flavor my water when I want something a little different).  It's made with Coconut water and flash dried fruit bits.  It comes in three flavors; Lemon Lime, Grape, Raspberry Passion Fruit.  I love all three, but Grape is my favorite!  Because it's a natural drink, I don't mind sharing with my children (my boys beg me every single day for some!)  It comes in easy 'to go' sticks making using it on the run so easy.  I had it with me when I was running my second half marathon ever.  It was right at the beginning of our hot Arizona summer and it was already so warm!  I kept Cocogo flowing in my water bottle and stopped at the aide stations for water cups, and despite the heat, finished just 4 min off from my first half marathon!!  I know Cocogo helped keep me going that day!

Race day Flat Runner. 3 packets of Cocogo to get through this race!
I was introduced to Cocogo just a little over a year ago after a run meet up with a local running group.  It had been used as a giveaway and from there it was shared with anyone who wanted to try it.  I came home, added a stick of Raspberry Passion Fruit to my water...and from that moment on, I was hooked.

I got really lucky and won a box in a giveaway just a few months after that and boy was I in heaven!  I rationed that out, saving it for my hardest running workouts, knowing I wouldn't be able to purchase any for a few months.

It was a very good mail day!
During one of the holidays I was able to take advantage of a free shipping offer and finally bought a couple of boxes.  I knew right away I wanted to be able to represent Cocogo as an ambassador.  There's nothing like enjoying a product so much that you want to be able to share that with everyone.  I talk to everyone about Cocogo and how much I love it.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to represent them and support a product I believe in.

Mailman decided to cram it into my mailbox.. seriously!
What sets Cocogo apart from other drinks for me?  It's got a smooth light flavor.  I have tried a few other hydration products available for athletes, and I like them a couple of them, but they've been an acquired taste for me.  Some are fizzy which causes all kinds of problems while I'm running.  I have discovered this past year that I have a very sensitive stomach and can't use strong products while running long, far or fast!

There was no acquired taste for Cocogo for me.  I liked it right away! It has never ever caused a problem for me.  I've never felt sick after drinking it out on a run, I've never come home with stomach cramps.  My stomach never feels bloated.  I'm so thankful I was given a chance to try this drink.  I'm glad I'm able to incorporate it into my current half marathon training, gym workouts, swim workouts, hiking with the family, and general just sipping on when I want more than just regular water.

Want to try it for yourself?  Head over to and don't forget to use code RUNLIKETHEWINDED at checkout to save 20% until the end of Oct!!  I'd love your feedback, let me know what you think of it!!

Cocogo mail day is one of my favorite mail days!

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