Sunday, September 28, 2014

So About All This Fitness: Part III

In May I began testing out running. Just a few miles at a time at first. It was already so hot here in Az, but I still put in a 5k or two each week. My times drastically went down. I couldn't run consecutive miles anymore. It was awful. But I stuck with it. I managed to put in 50 miles in May. This was a big deal coming off of being so sick and injured. I also restarted going to the gym from time to time to lift weights and began putting in time using my awesome tires and battle ropes and sledge hammer. My neighbors all think I'm nuts, but it was so much fun. They've mentioned wanting to do it too, but they have yet to use them, haha.

In June I made two goals. First I signed up for an Instagram running challenge with Oldguyrunning. I went for the Tinman challenge which meant I'd have to put in 93.3 miles that month. Second I restarted the 10k training plan I picked out from Runkeeper. It was to help get me to run it 55:00⬇. Later I decided I'd try to run 100 miles.

There were workouts in that plan that had speeds that I just never thought I'd be able to do. When I first started, it was so hard. I struggled through some of them, but I never gave up and I never quit. I just tried harder the next time. June I hit that mileage. July and August were the same goals. Tinman challenge and 100 mile months. I was getting stronger and faster a little at a time.

I opened a new Instagram account for running/workout accountability. I have since found an amazing community of people who have been so inspirational, motivating and positive. They help inspire me to try harder. I hope in turn I am able to do the same for others.

On that note I finally came to the end of my 10k training on Friday. I made my first attempt at running that 10k in 55:00. I absolutely did not make it. I was so disappointed. I wanted it so badly, but it just wasn't going to happen. There was a storm that had just blown through an hour earlier (I was watching the lightning just east of us still while warming up) and it brought heavy humid air. It was sapping me badly. Those things I allowed to mess with my mental state about running as fast as I needed to. This online community came together to support me and remind me I was capable. I loved that and am so thankful to them.

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